Earth Systems - Real-life applications

Earth As an Organism

Clearly, a great deal of interaction occurs between spheres and has continued to take place for a long time. Earth often is described as a living organism, a concept formalized in the 1970s by the English meteorologist James Lovelock (1919-) and the American biologist Lynn Margulis (1938-), who developed the Gaia hypothesis. Sometimes called the Gaian hypothesis, this principle is named after the Greek earth goddess, a prototype for "Mother Earth," and is based on the idea that Earth possesses homeostatic or self-regulating mechanisms that preserve life. (Lovelock's neighbor William Golding [1911-1993], author of Lord of the Flies, suggested the name to him.)

Though the Gaia hypothesis seems very modern and even a bit "New Age" (that is, relating to a late twentieth-century movement that incorporates such themes as concern for nature and spirituality), it has roots in the ideas of the great Scottish geologist James Hutton (1726-1797), who described Earth as a "superorganism." A forward-thinking person, Hutton maintained that physiology provides the model for the study of Earth systems. Out of Hutton's and, later, Lovelock's ideas ultimately grew the earth science specialty of geophysiology, an interdisciplinary approach incorporating aspects of geo-chemistry, biology, and other areas.

The Gaia hypothesis is far from universally accepted, however, and remains controversial. One reason is that it seems to contain a teleologic, or goal-oriented, explanation of physical behaviors that does not fully comport with the findings of science. An animal responds to external conditions in such a way as to preserve life, but this is because it has instinctive responses "hardwired" into its brain. Clearly, if the Earth is an "organism, " it is an organism in quite a different sense than an animal, since it does not make sense to describe Earth as having a "brain."

Homeostasis and Cycles

Nonetheless, Lovelock, Margulis, and other supporters of the Gaia hypothesis have pointed to a number of anomalies that have yet to be explained fully and for which the Gaia hypothesis offers one possible solution. For example, it would have taken only about 80 million years for the present levels of salt in Earth's oceans to have been deposited there from the geosphere; why, then, is the sea not many, many times more salty than it is? Could it be that Earth has somehow regulated the salinity levels in its own seas?

Earth's systems unquestionably display a homeostatic and cyclical behavior typical of living organisms. Just as the human body tends to correct any stresses imposed on it, Earth likewise seeks equilibrium. And just as blood, for instance, cycles through the body's circulatory system, so matter and energy move between various spheres in the course of completing certain cycles of the Earth system. These include the energy and hydrologic cycles; a number of biogeochemical cycles, such as the carbon and nitrogen cycles; and a rock cycle of erosion, weathering, and buildup. (Each of these systems is discussed in a separate essay, or as part of a separate essay, in this book.)


Though particulars of the Gaia hypothesis remain a matter of question, it is clear that Earth regulates these cycles and does so through a process of feedback and corrections. To appreciate the idea of feedback, consider a financial example. In the early 1990s, the U.S. Congress placed a steep tax on luxury boats, presumably with the aim of getting more money from wealthy taxpayers. The result, however, was exactly the opposite: boat owners sold their crafts, and many of those considering purchases cancelled their plans. Rather than redistributing

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wealth from the rich to those less fortunate, the tax resulted in the government's actually getting less money from rich yacht owners.

Whereas Congress expected the rich to provide positive feedback by giving up more tax money, instead the yacht owners responded by acting against the tax—a phenomenon known as negative feedback. Feedback itself is the return of output to a system, such that it becomes input which then produces further output. Feedback that causes the system to move in a direction opposite that of the input is negative feedback, whereas positive feedback is that which causes the system to move in the same direction as the input. The luxury tax would have made perfect sense if the purpose had been to halt the production and purchase of expensive boats, in which case the output would have been deemed positive.

In the luxury-tax illustration, negative feedback is truly "negative" in the more common sense of the word, but this is not typically the case where nature in general or Earth systems in particular are concerned. In natural systems negative feedback serves as a healthy corrective and tends to stabilize a system. To use an example from physiology, if a person goes into a cold environment, the body responds by raising the internal temperature. Likewise, in chemical reactions the system tends to respond to any stress placed on it by reducing the impact of the stress, a concept known as Le Châtelier's principle after the French chemist Henry Le Châtelier (1850-36).

Positive feedback, on the other hand, is often far from "positive" and is sometimes described as a "vicious cycle." Suppose rainwater erodes a portion of a hillside, creating a gully. Assuming the rains continue, the opening of this channel for the water facilitates the introduction of more water and therefore further erosion of the hillside. Given enough time, the rain can wash a deep gash into the hill or even wash away the hill entirely.

Far-Reaching Consequences

Given the interconnectedness of systems on Earth, it is easy to see how changes in one part of the larger Earth system can have far-reaching impacts on another sector. For example, the devastating Alaska earthquake of March 1964 produced tsunamis felt as far away as Hawaii, while the Exxon Valdez oil spill that afflicted Alaska exactly 25 years later had an effect on the biosphere and hydrosphere over an enormous area.

El Niño is a familiar example of far-reaching consequences produced by changes in Earth systems. Spanish for "child" (because it typically occurs around Christmastime), El Niño begins on the western coast of South America. There, every few years, trade winds slacken, allowing the wind from the west to push warm surface water eastward. Lacking vital nutrients, this warm water brings about a decline in the local marine life. It also causes heavy rains and storms.


To the extent described, El Niño is largely a local phenomenon. But it can affect the jet streams, or high-level winds, that push storms across the Western Hemisphere. This can result in milder weather for western Canada or the northern United States, as the winds push more severe storms into Alaska, but it also can bring about heavy rains in the Gulf of Mexico region. Nor are its effects limited to the Western Hemisphere. El Niño has been known to alter the pattern of monsoons, or rainy seasons, in India, Southeast Asia, and parts of Africa, thus producing crop failures that affect millions of people.

Aside from the indirect effects, such as the famines in the Eastern Hemisphere, the direct effects of the El Niño phenomenon can be devastating. The El Niño of 1982-83, which affected the United States, the Caribbean, western South America, Africa, and Australia, claimed some 2,000 lives and cost about $13 billion in property damage. It returned with a vengeance 15 years later, in 1997-98, killing more than 2,100 people and destroying $33 billion worth of property.

Years Without Summer

Whereas El Niño is an example of a disturbance in the hydrosphere that affects the atmosphere and ultimately the biosphere, an even more terrifying phenomenon can begin with an eruption in the geosphere, which spreads to the atmosphere and then the hydrosphere and biosphere. This phenomenon might be called "years without summer"; an example occurred in 1815-16.

In June of 1816 snow fell in New England, and throughout July and August temperatures hovered close to freezing. Frosts hit in September, and New Englanders braced themselves for an uncommonly cold winter, as that of 1816-17 turned out to be. It must have seemed as though the world were coming to an end, yet the summer of 1817 proved to be a normal one. The cause behind this year without summer in 1816 lay in what is now Indonesia, and it began a year earlier.

In 1815, Mount Tambora to the east of Java had erupted, pouring so much volcanic ash into the sky that it served as a curtain against the Sun's rays, causing a brutally cold summer in New England the following year. An eruption of Mount Katmai in Alaska in 1912 produced far-reaching effects, including some lowering of temperatures, but its impact was nothing like that of Tambora. Nor did the 1980 Mount Saint Helens eruption in Washington State prove nearly as potent in the long run as the eruption of Tambora did (though it produced a devastating immediate impact).


Even the eruption of Mount Tambora may have been overshadowed by another, similar event, known simply as the catastrophe, or cataclysm, of A.D. 535. In the late twentieth century, the British dendrochronologist Mike Baillie discovered a pattern of severely curtailed growth in tree rings dating to the period A.D. 535-541. More or less simultaneous with Baillie's work was that of the amateur archaeologist David Keys, who found a number of historical texts by Byzantine, Chinese, and Anglo-Saxon scholars of the era, all suggesting that something cataclysmic had happened in A.D. 535. For example, the Byzantine historian Procopius (d. 565) wrote, "The sun gave forth its light without brightness … for the whole year."

Some geologists have maintained that the cataclysm resulted from the eruption of another Indonesian volcano, the infamous Krakatau, which had a devastating eruption in 1883 and which could have produced enough dust to cause an artificial winter. Whatever the cause, the cataclysm had an enormous impact that redounds from that time perhaps up to the present. The temperature drop may have sparked a chain of events, beginning in southern Africa, that ultimately brought a plague to the Byzantine Empire, forcing Justinian I (r. A.D. 483-565) to halt his attempted reconquest of western Europe. At the same time, the cataclysm may have been responsible for food shortages in central Asia, which spawned a new wave of European invasions, this time led by the Avars.

The result was that the fate of Europe was sealed. For a few years it had seemed that Justinian could reconquer Italy, thus reuniting the Roman Empire, whose western portion had ceased to exist in A.D. 476. Forced to give up their reconquest, with the Avars and others overrunning Europe while the plague swept through Greece, the Byzantines turned their attention to affairs at home and increasingly shut themselves off from western Europe. Thus the Dark Ages, the split between Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, the Crusades—even the Cold War, which reflected the old east-west split in Europe—may have been the results of a volcano on the other side of the world.


Cox, Reg, and Neil Morris. The Natural World. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.

Earth's Energy Budget (Web site). <> .

Farndon, John. Dictionary of the Earth. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1994.

The Gaia Hypothesis (Web site). <> .

Geophysiology Online (Web site). <> .

Hancock, Paul L., and Brian J. Skinner. The Oxford Companion to the Earth. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Knapp, Brian J. Earth Science: Discovering the Secrets of the Earth. Illus. David Woodroffe and Julian Baker. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational, 2000.

Kump, Lee R., James F. Kasting, and Robert G. Crane. The Earth System. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.

Lovelock, J.E. Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Skinner, Brian J., Stephen C. Porter, and Daniel B. Botkin. The Blue Planet: An Introduction to Earth System Science. 2nd. ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1999.

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