Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different masses due to differences in the number of neutrons they contain. Many isotopes are stable, meaning that they are not subject to radioactive decay, but many more are radioactive. The latter, also known as radioisotopes, play a significant role in modern life. Carbon-14, for instance, is used for estimating the age of objects within a relatively recent span of time—up to about 5,000 years—whereas geologists and other scientists use uranium-238 to date minerals of an age on a scale with that of the Earth. Concerns over nuclear power and nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere have heightened awareness of the dangers posed by certain kinds of radioactive isotopes, which can indeed be hazardous to human life. However, the reality is that people are subjected to considerably more radiation from non-nuclear sources.

Also read article about Isotopes from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

very very useful information about chemistry subject to all children and adult.
i need more recent applications of this radio isotopes.
its really useful for me to do my chemistry project!!!
mindo steph
this really helps me with my research and i need recent applications of radioactive isotopes.are radioactive isotopes the same as radioisotopes?
etape derek
this has really helped me a lot an open my understanding in some areas i found it difficult.keep up the good work

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