Acid-Base Reactions - How it works

Phenomenological Definitions of Acids and Bases

Before studying the reactions of acids and bases, it is necessary to define exactly what each is. This is not as easy as it sounds, and the Acids and Bases essay discusses in detail a subject covered more briefly here: the arduous task chemists faced in developing a workable distinction. Let us start with the phenomenological differences between the two—that is, aspects relating to things that can readily be observed without referring to the molecule properties and behaviors of acids and bases.

Acids are fairly easy to understand on the phenomenological level: the name comes from the Latin term acidus, or "sour," and many sour substances from daily life—lemons, for instance, or vinegar—are indeed highly acidic. In fact, lemons and most citrus fruits contain citric acid (C 6 H 8 O 7 ), while the acidic quality of vinegar comes from acetic acid (CH 3 COOH). In addition, acids produce characteristic colors in certain vegetable dyes, such as those used in making litmus paper.

The word "base," as it is used in this context, may be a bit more difficult to appreciate on a sensory level. It helps, perhaps, if the older term "alkali" is used, though even so, people tend to think of alkaline substances primarily in contrast to acids. "Alkali," which serves to indicate the basic quality of both the alkali metal and alkaline earth metal families of elements, comes from the Arabic al-qili. The latter refers to the ashes of the seawort plant, which usually grows in marshy areas and, in the past, was often burned to produce soda ash for making soap.

The reason chemists of today use the word "base" instead of "alkali" is that the latter term has a narrower meaning: all alkalies are bases, but not all bases are alkalies. Originally referring only to the ashes of burned plants containing either sodium or potassium, alkali was eventually used to designate the soluble hydroxides of the alkali and alkaline earth metals. Among these are sodium hydroxide or lye; magnesium hydroxide (found in milk of magnesia); potassium hydroxide, which appears in soaps; and other compounds. Because these represent only a few of the substances that react with acids in the ways discussed in this essay, the term "base" is preferred.



As chemistry evolved, and physical scientists became aware of the atomic and molecular substructures that make up the material world, they developed more fundamental distinctions between acids and bases. By the early twentieth century, chemists had applied structural distinctions between acids and bases—that is, definitions based on the molecular structures and behaviors of those substances.

An important intermediary step occurred as chemists came to the conclusion that reactions of acids and bases form salts and water. For instance, in an aqueous solution, hydrochloric acid or HCl( aq ) reacts with the base sodium hydroxide, designated as NaOH( aq ), to form sodium chloride, or common table salt (NaCl[ aq ]) and H 2 O. What happens is that the sodium (Na) ion (an atom with an electric charge) in sodium hydroxide switches places with the hydrogen ion in hydrochloric acid, resulting in the creation of NaCl and water.

Ions themselves had yet to be defined in 1803, when the great Swedish chemist Jons Berzelius (1779-1848) added another piece to the foundation for a structural definition. Acids and bases, he suggested, have opposite electric charges. In this, he was about eight decades ahead of his time: only in 1884 did his countryman Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) introduce the concept of the ion. This, in turn, enabled Arrhenius to formulate the first structural distinction between acids and bases.

The Arrhenius Acid-Base Theory

Arrhenius acid-base theory defines the two substances with regard to their behavior in an aqueous solution: an acid is any compound that produces hydrogen ions (H + ), and a base is one that produces hydroxide ions (OH ) when dissolved in water. This occurred, for instance, in the reaction discussed above: the hydrochloric acid produced a hydrogen ion, while the sodium hydroxide produced a hydroxide ion, and these two ions bonded to form water.

Though it was a good start, Arrhenius's theory was limited to reactions in aqueous solutions. In addition, it confined its definition of acids and bases only to those ionic compounds, such as hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide, that produced either hydrogen or hydroxide ions. But ammonia, or NH 3 , acts like a base in aqueous solutions, even though it does not produce the hydroxide ion. These shortcomings pointed to the need for a more comprehensive theory, which came with the formulation of the Brønsted-Lowry definition.

The BrØnsted-Lowry Acid-Base Theory

Developed by English chemist Thomas Lowry (1874-1936) and Danish chemist J. N. Brønsted (1879-1947), the Brønsted-Lowry acid-base theory defines an acid as a proton (H + ) donor, and a base as a proton acceptor, in a chemical reaction. Protons are represented by the symbol H + , a cation (positively charged ion) of hydrogen.

Elemental hydrogen, called protium to distinguish it from its isotopes, has just one proton and one electron—no neutrons. Therefore, the hydrogen cation, which has to lose its sole electron to gain a positive charge, is essentially nothing but a proton. It is thus at once an atom, an ion, and a proton, but the ionization of hydrogen constitutes the only case in which this is possible.

Thus when the term "proton donor" or "proton acceptor" is used, it does not mean that a proton is splitting off from an atom or joining another, as in a nuclear reaction. Rather, when an acid behaves as a proton donor, this means that the hydrogen proton/ion/atom is separating from an acidic compound; conversely, when a base acts as a proton acceptor, the positively charged hydrogen ion is bonding with the basic compound.


In representing Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases, the symbols HA and A , respectively, are used. These appear in the equation representing the most fundamental type of Brønsted-Lowry acid-base reaction: HA( aq ) + H 2 O( l ) →H 3 O + ( aq ) + A−( aq ). The symbols ( aq ), ( l ), and →are explained in the Chemical Reactions essay. In plain English, this equation states that when an acid in an aqueous solution reacts with liquid water, the result is the creation of H 3 O + , known as the hydronium ion, along with a base. Both products of the reaction are dissolved in an aqueous solution.

Because water molecules are polar, the negative charges tend to congregate on one end of the molecule with the oxygen atom, while the positive charges remain on the other end with the hydrogen atoms. The Brønsted-Lowry model emphasizes the role played by water, which pulls the proton from the acid, resulting in the creation of the hydronium ion.

The hydronium ion, in this equation, is an example of a conjugate acid, an acid formed when a base accepts a proton. At the same time, the acid has lost its proton, becoming A , a conjugate base—that is, the base formed when an acid releases a proton. These two products of the reaction are called a conjugate acid-base pair, a term that refers to two substances related to one another by the donating of a proton.

Brønsted and Lowry's definition includes all Arrhenius acids and bases, as well as other chemical species not encompassed in Arrhenius theory. As mentioned earlier, ammonia is a base, yet it does not produce OH ions; however, it does accept a proton from a water molecule. Water can serve either as an acid or base; in this instance, it is an acid, and in reaction with ammonia, it produces the conjugate acid-base pair of NH 4 + (an ammonium ion) and OH . Ammonia did not produce the hydroxide ion here; rather, OH is the conjugate base that resulted when the water molecule lost its H + atom (i.e., a proton.)

The Lewis Acid-Base Theory

The Brønsted-Lowry model still had its limitations, in that it only described compounds containing hydrogen. American chemist Gilbert N. Lewis (1875-1946), however, developed a theory of acids and bases that makes no reference to the presence of hydrogen. Instead, it relates to something much more fundamental: the fact that chemical bonding always involves pairs of electrons.

Lewis acid-base theory defines an acid as the reactant that accepts an electron pair from another reactant in a chemical reaction, while a base is the reactant that donates an electron pair to another reactant. Note that, as with the Brønsted-Lowry definition, the Lewis definition is reaction-dependant. Instead of defining a compound as an acid or base in its own right, it identifies these in terms of how the compound reacts with another.

The Lewis definition encompasses all the situations covered by the others, as well as many other reactions not described in the theories of either Arrhenius or Brønsted-Lowry. In particular, Lewis theory can be used to differentiate the acid and base in chemical reactions where ions are not produced, something that takes it far beyond the scope of Arrhenius theory. Also, Lewis theory addresses situations in which there is no proton donor or acceptor, thus offering an improvement over Brønsted-Lowry.

When boron trifluoride (BF 3 ) and ammonia (NH 3 ), both in the gas phases, react to produce boron trifluoride ammonia complex (F 3 BNH 3 ), boron trifluoride accepts an electron pair. Therefore, it is a Lewis acid, while ammonia—which donates the electron pair—can be defined as a Lewis base. This particular reaction involves hydrogen, but since the operative factor in Lewis theory relates to electron pairs and not hydrogen, the theory can be used to address reactions in which that element is not present.

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