Economic Geology - How it works

Background of Economic Geology

Some sources of information in the geologic sciences use a definition of "economic geology" narrower than the one applied here. Rather than including nonmineral resources that develop in and are recovered from a geologic environment—a category that consists primarily of fossil fuels—this more limited definition restricts the scope of economic geology to minerals and ores. Given the obvious economic importance of fossil fuels such as petroleum and its many byproducts as well as coal and peat, however, it seems only appropriate to discuss these valuable organic resources alongside valuable inorganic ones.

The concept of economic geology as such is a relatively new one, even though humans have been extracting metals and minerals of value from the ground since prehistoric times. For all their ability to appreciate the worth of such resources, however, premodern peoples possessed little in the way of scientific theories regarding either their formation or the means of extracting them.

The Greeks, for instance, believed that veins of metallic materials in the earth indicated that those materials were living things putting down roots after the manner of trees. Astrologers of medieval times maintained that each of the "seven planets" (Sun, Moon, and the five planets, besides Earth, known at the time) ruled one of the seven known metals—gold, copper, silver, lead, tin, iron, and mercury—which supposedly had been created under the influence of their respective "planets."


The first thinker who attempted to go beyond such unscientific (if imaginative) ideas was a German physician writing under the Latinized name Georgius Agricola (1494-1555). As a result of treating miners for various conditions, Agricola, whose real name was Georg Bauer, became fascinated with minerals. The result was a series of written works, culminating with De re metallica (On the nature of minerals, 1556, released postthumusly), that collectively initiated the modern subdiscipline of physical geology. (It is worth noting that the first translators of Metallica into English were Lou [d. 1944] and Herbert Clark Hoover [1874-1964]. The couple published their translation in 1912 in London's Mining Magazine, and the husband went on to become the thirty-first president of the United States in 1929.)

Rejecting the works of the ancients and all manner of fanciful explanations for geologic phenomena, Agricola instead favored careful observation, on the basis of which he formed verifiable hypotheses. Regarded as the father of both mineralogy and economic geology, Agricola introduced several ideas that provided a scientific foundation for the study of Earth and its products. In De ortu et causis subterraneorum (1546), he critiqued all preceding ideas regarding the formation of ores, including the Greek and astrological notions mentioned earlier as well as the alchemical belief that all metals are composed of mercury and sulfur. Instead, he maintained that subterranean fluids carry dissolved minerals, which, when cooled, leave deposits in the cracks of rocks and thus give rise to mineral veins. Agricola's ideas later helped form the basis for modern theories regarding the formation of ore deposits.

In De natura fossilium (On the nature of fossils, 1546), Agricola also introduced a method for the classification of "fossils," as minerals were then known. Agricola's system, which categorizes minerals according to such properties as color, texture, weight, and transparency, is the basis for the system of mineral classification in use today. Of all his works, however, the most important was De re metallica, which would remain the leading textbook for miners and mineralogists during the two centuries that followed. In this monumental work, he introduced many new ideas, including the concept that rocks contain ores that are older than the rocks themselves. He also explored in detail the mining practices in use during his time, itself an extraordinary feat in that miners of the sixteenth century tended to guard their trade secrets closely.

Metals, Minerals, and Rocks

Of all known chemical elements, 87, or about 80%, are metals. The latter group is identified as being lustrous or shiny in appearance and malleable or ductile, meaning that they can be molded into different shapes without breaking. Despite their ductility, metals are extremely durable, have high melting and boiling points, and are excellent conductors of heat and electricity. Some, though far from all, register high on the Mohs hardness scale, discussed later in the context of minerals.

The bonds that metals form with each other, or with nonmetals, are known as ionic bonds, the strongest type of chemical bond. Even within a metal, however, there are extremely strong, nondirectional bonds. Therefore, though it is easy to shape metals, it is very difficult to separate metal atoms. Obviously, most metal are solids at room temperature, though this is not true of all: mercury is liquid at ordinary temperatures, and gallium melts at just 85.6°F (29.76°C). Generally, however, metals would be described as crystalline solids, meaning that their constituent parts have a simple and definite geometric arrangement that is repeated in all directions. Crystalline structure is important also within the context of minerals as well as the rocks that contain them.


Whereas there are only 87 varieties of metal, there are some 3,700 types of mineral. There is considerable overlap between metals and minerals, but that overlap is far from complete: many minerals include nonmetallic elements, such as oxygen and silicon. A mineral is a substance that appears in nature and therefore cannot be created artificially, is inorganic in origin, has a definite chemical composition, and possesses a crystalline internal structure.

The term organic does not refer simply to substances with a biological origin; rather, it describes any compound that contains carbon, with the exception of carbonates (which are a type of mineral) and oxides, such as carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. The fact that a mineral must be of nonvarying composition limits minerals almost exclusively to elements and compounds—that is, either to substances that cannot be broken down chemically to yield simpler substances or to substances formed by the chemical bonding of elements. Only in a few highly specific circumstances are naturally occurring alloys, or mixtures of metals, considered minerals.


Minerals are classified into eight basic groups:

  • Class 1: Native elements
  • Class 2: Sulfides
  • Class 3: Oxides and hydroxides
  • Class 4: Halides
  • Class 5: Carbonates, nitrates, borates, iodates
  • Class 6: Sulfates, chromates, molybdates, tungstates
  • Class 7: Phosphates, arsenates, vanadates
  • Class 8: Silicates

The first group, native elements, includes metallic elements that appear in pure form somewhere on Earth; certain metallic alloys, alluded to earlier; as well as native nonmetals, semimetals, and minerals with metallic and nonmetallic elements. The native elements, along with the six classes that follow them in this list, are collectively known as nonsilicates, a term that emphasizes the importance of the eighth group. (For more about the nonsilicates, as well as other subjects covered in the present context, see Minerals.)

The vast majority of minerals, including the most abundant ones, belong to the silicates class, which is built around the element silicon. Just as carbon can form long strings of atoms, particularly in combination with hydrogen (as we discuss in the context of fossil fuels later in this essay), silicon also forms long strings, though its "partner of choice" is typically oxygen rather than hydrogen. Together with oxygen, silicon—known as a metalloid because it exhibits characteristics of both metals and nonmetals—forms the basis for an astonishing array of products, both natural and man-made, which we examine in brief later.


From the list of parameters first developed by Agricola has grown a whole array of characteristics by which minerals are classified. These characteristics also can be used to evaluate an unknown mineral and thus to determine the mineral class within which it fits. One such parameter is the type of crystal of which a mineral is composed. Though there are thousands of minerals, there are just six crystal systems, or basic geometric shapes formed by crystals. Crystallographers, mineralogists concerned with the study of crystal structures, are able to identify the crystal system (the simplest being isometric, or cubic) by studying a good specimen of a mineral and observing the faces of the crystal and the angles at which they meet.

Minerals also can be identified by their hardness, defined as the ability of one mineral to scratch another. Hardness can be measured by the Mohs scale, introduced in 1812 by the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs (1773-1839), which rates minerals from 1 (talc) to 10 (diamond.) Though it is useful for geologists attempting to identify a mineral in the field, the Mohs scale is not considered helpful for the industrial testing of fine-grained materials, such as steel or ceramics. For such purposes, the Vickers or Knoop scales are applied. These scales (named, respectively, after a British company and an American official) also have an advantage over Mohs in that they offer a precise, proportional scale in which each increase of number indicates the same increase in hardness. By contrast, on the Mohs scale, an increase from 3 to 4 (calcite to fluorite) indicates an additional 25% in hardness, whereas a shift from 9 to 10 (corundum to diamond) marks an increase of 300%.

Other properties significant in identifying minerals are color; streak, or the appearance of the powder produced when one mineral is scratched by a harder one; luster, the appearance of a mineral when light reflects off its surface; cleavage, the planes across which a mineral breaks; fracture, the tendency to break along something other than a flat surface; density, or ratio of mass to volume; and specific gravity, or the ratio between the mineral's density and that of water. Sometimes minerals can be identified in terms of qualities unique to a specific mineral group or groups: magnetism, radioactivity, fluorescence, phosphorescence, and so on. (For more about mineral characteristics, see Minerals.)


A rock is an aggregate of minerals or organic material, which can appear in consolidated or unconsolidated form. Rocks are of three different types: igneous, formed by crystallization of molten minerals, as in a volcano; sedimentary, usually formed by deposition, compaction, or cementation of weathered rock; and metamorphic, formed by alteration of preexisting rock. Rocks made from organic material are typically sedimentary, an example being coal.

Rocks have possessed economic importance from a time long before "economics" as we know it existed—a time when there was nothing to buy and nothing to sell. That time, of course, would be the Stone Age, which dates back practically to the beginnings of the human species and overlapped with the beginnings of civilization some 5,500 years ago. In the hundreds of thousands of years when stone constituted the most advanced toolmaking material, humans developed an array of stone devices for making fire, sharpening knives, killing animals (and other humans), cutting food or animal skins, and so on.

The Stone Age, both in the popular imagination and (with some qualifications) in actual archaeological fact, was a time when people lived in caves. Since that time, of course, humans have generally departed from the caves, though exceptions exist, as the United States military found in 2001 when attempting to hunt for terrorists in the caves of Afghanistan. In any case, the human attachment to stone dwellings has taken other forms, beginning with the pyramids and continuing through today's masonry homes. Nor is rock simply a structural material for building, as the use of gypsum wallboard, slate countertops, marble finishes, and graveled walkways attests. And, of course, construction is only one of many applications to which rocks and minerals are directed, as we shall see.


As noted earlier, the focus of economic geology is on both rocks and minerals, on the one hand, and fossil fuels, on the other. The latter may be defined as fuel (specifically, coal, oil, and gas) derived from deposits of organic material that have experienced decomposition and chemical alteration under conditions of high pressure. Given this derivation from organic material, by definition all fossil fuels are carbon-based, and, specifically, they are built around hydrocarbons—chemical compounds whose molecules are made up of nothing but carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of possible hydrocarbons. Carbon forms itself into apparently limitless molecular shapes, and hydrogen is a particularly versatile chemical partner. Hydrocarbons may form straight chains, branched chains, or rings, and the result is a variety of compounds distinguished not by the elements in their makeup or even (in some cases) by the numbers of different atoms in each molecule, but rather by the structure of a given molecule.


Among the various groups of hydrocarbons are alkanes or saturated hydrocarbons, so designated because all the chemical bonds are filled to their capacity (that is, "saturated") with hydrogen atoms. Included among them are such familiar names as methane (CH 4 ), ethane (C 2 H 6 ), propane (C 3 H 8 ), and butane (C 4 H 10 ). The first four, being the lowest in molecular mass, are gases at room temperature, while the heavier ones—including octane (C 8 H 18 )—are oily liquids. Alkanes even heavier than octane tend to be waxy solids, an example being paraffin wax, for making candles.

With regard to octane, incidentally, there is a reason why its name is so familiar, while that of heptane (C 7 H 16 ) is not. Heptane does not fire smoothly in an internal-combustion engine and therefore disrupts the engine's rhythm. For this reason, it has a rating of zero on a scale of desirability, while octane has a rating of 100. This is why gas stations list octane ratings at the pump: the higher the content of octane, the better the gas is for one's automobile.

In a hydrocarbon chain, if one or more hydrogen atoms is removed, a new bond may be formed. The hydrocarbon chain is then named by adding the suffix yl —hence such names as methyl, ethyl, and so on. This indicates that the substance is an alkane, and that something other than hydrogen can be attached to the chain; for example, the attachment of a chlorine atom could yield methyl chloride. Two other large structural groups of hydrocarbons are alkenes and alkynes, which contain double or triple bonds between carbon atoms. Such hydrocarbons are unsaturated—in other words, if the double or triple bond is broken, some of the carbon atoms are then free to form other bonds. Among the products of these groups is the alkene known as acetylene, or C 2 H 2 , used for welding steel. In addition to alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes, all of which tend to form carbon chains, there are the aromatic hydrocarbons, a traditional name that actually has nothing to do with smell.

All aromatic hydrocarbons contain what is known as a benzene ring, which has the chemical formula C 6 H 6 and appears in characteristic ring shapes. In this group are such products as naphthalene, toluene, and dimethyl benzene. These last two are used as solvents as well as in the synthesis of drugs, dyes, and plastics. One of the more famous (or infamous) products in this part of the vast hydrocarbon network is trinitrotoluene, or TNT. Naphthalene is derived from coal tar and used in the synthesis of other compounds. A crystalline solid with a powerful odor, it is found in mothballs and various deodorant disinfectants.

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