Gravity and Geodesy - How it works


Not only does gravity keep Earth and all other planets in orbit around the Sun, it also makes it possible for our solar system to maintain its position in the Milky Way, rather than floating off through space. Likewise, the position of our galaxy within the larger universe is maintained because of gravity. As for the universe itself, though many questions remain about its size, mass, and boundaries, it seems clear that the cosmos is held together by gravity.

Thanks to gravity, all objects on Earth as well as those within its gravitational field remain fixed in place. These objects include man-made satellites, which have grown to number in the thousands since the first was launched in 1957, as well as the greatest satellite of them all: the Moon. Even though people are accustomed to thinking of gravity in these large terms, with regard to vast bodies such as Earth or the Moon, every object in the universe, in fact, exerts some gravitational pull on another.

This attraction is proportional to the product of the mass of the two bodies, and inversely related to the distance between them. Bodies have to be fairly large (i.e., larger than an asteroid) for this attraction to be appreciable, but it is there, and thus gravity acts as a sort of "glue" holding together the universe. As to what gravity really is or exactly why it works, both of which are legitimate questions, the answers have so far largely eluded scientists.

Present-day scientists are able to understand how gravity works, however, inasmuch as it can be described as a function of mass and the gravitational constant (discussed later) and an inverse function of distance. They also are able to measure gravitational fields and anomalies within them. That, in fact, is the focus of geodesy, an area of geophysics devoted to the measurement of Earth's shape and gravitational field.

Discovering Gravity

As discussed in several places within this book (see the entries Earth, Science, and Nonscience and Studying Earth), the physical sciences made little progress until the early sixteenth century. For centuries, the writings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C. ) and the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy ( ca. A.D. 100-170) had remained dominant, reinforcing an almost entirely erroneous view of the universe. This Aristotelian/Ptolemaic universe had Earth at its

GALILEO GALILEI (Corbis-Bettmann. Reproduced by permission.)
. Reproduced by permission. )
center, with the Sun, Moon, and other planets orbiting it in perfect circles.

The discovery by the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) that Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun ultimately led to the overturning of the Ptolemaic model. This breakthrough, which inaugurated the Scientific Revolution ( ca. 1550-1700), opened the way for the birth of physics, chemistry, and geology as genuine sciences. Copernicus himself was a precursor to this revolution rather than its leader; by contrast, the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) introduced the principles of study, known as the scientific method, that govern the work of scientists to this day.


Galileo applied his scientific method in his studies of falling objects and was able to show that objects fall as they do, not because of their weight (as Aristotle had claimed) but as a consequence of gravitational force. This meant that the acceleration of all falling bodies would have to be the same, regardless of weight.

Of course, everyone knows that a stone falls faster than a feather, but Galileo reasoned that this was a result of factors other than weight, and later investigations confirmed that air resistance, rather than weight, is responsible for this difference. In other words, a stone falls faster than a feather not because it is heavier but because the feather encounters greater air resistance. In a vacuum, or an area devoid of all matter, including air, they would fall at the same rate.

On the other hand, if one drops two objects that meet similar air resistance but differ in weight—say, a large stone and a smaller one—they fall at almost exactly the same rate. To test this hypothesis directly, however, would have been difficult for Galileo: stones fall so fast that even if dropped from a great height, they would hit the ground too soon for their rate of fall to be tested with the instruments then available.

Instead, Galileo used the motion of a pendulum and the behavior of objects rolling or sliding down inclined planes as his models. On the basis of his observations, he concluded that all bodies are subject to a uniform rate of gravitational acceleration, later calibrated at 32 ft. (9.8 m) per second per second. What this means is that for every 32 ft. an object falls, it is accelerating at a rate of 32 ft. per second as well; hence, after two seconds it falls at the rate of 64 ft. per second, after three seconds it falls at 96 ft. per second, and so on.


Building on the work of his distinguished fore-bear, Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), who was born the same year Galileo died, developed a paradigm for gravitation that even today explains the behavior of objects in virtually all situations throughout the universe. Indeed, the Newtonian model reigned supreme until the early twentieth century, when Albert Einstein (1879-1955) challenged it on certain specifics.

Even so, Einstein's relativity did not disprove the Newtonian system as Copernicus and Galileo had disproved Aristotle's and Ptolemy's theories; rather, it showed the limitations of Newtonian mechanics for describing the behavior of certain objects and phenomena. In the ordinary world of day-to-day experience, however, the Newtonian system still offers the key to how and why things work as they do. This is particularly the case with regard to gravity.

Understanding the Law of Universal Gravitation

Like Galileo, Newton began in part with the aim of testing hypotheses put forward by an astronomer—in this case, Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). In the early years of the seventeenth century, Kepler published his three laws of planetary motion, which together identified the elliptical (oval-shaped) path of the planets around the Sun. Kepler had discovered a mathematical relationship that connected the distances of the planets from the Sun to the period of their revolution around it. Like Galileo with Copernicus, Newton sought to generalize these principles to explain not only how the planets moved but also why they did so.

The result was Newton's Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Mathematical principles of natural philosophy, 1687). Usually referred to simply as the Principia, the book proved to be one of the most influential works ever written. In it, Newton presented his law of universal gravitation, along with his three laws of motion. These principles offered a new model for understanding the mechanics of the universe.

The Three Laws of Motion

Newton's three laws of motion may be summarized in this way:

  • An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless and until outside forces act upon it.
  • The net force acting upon an object is a product of its mass multiplied by its acceleration.
  • When one object exerts a force on another, the second object exerts on the first a force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

The first law of motion identifies inertia, a concept introduced by Galileo to explain what kept the planets moving around the Sun. Inertia is the tendency of an object either to keep moving or to keep standing still, depending on what it is already doing. Note that the first law refers to an object moving at a constant velocity: velocity is speed in a certain direction, so a constant velocity would be the same speed in the same direction.

Inertia is measured by mass, which—as the second law states—is a component of force and is inversely related to acceleration. The latter, as defined by physics, has a much broader meaning than it usually is given in ordinary life. Acceleration does not mean simply an increase of speed for an object moving in a straight line; rather, it is a change in velocity—that is, a change of speed or direction or both.

By definition, then, rotational motion (such as that of Earth around the Sun) involves acceleration, because any movement other than motion in a straight line at a constant speed requires a change in velocity. This further means that an object experiencing rotational motion must be under the influence of some force. That force is gravity, and as the third law shows, every force exerted in one direction is matched by an equal force in the opposing direction. (This law is sometimes rendered "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.")


The law of universal gravitation can be stated as a formula for calculating the gravitational attraction between two objects of a certain mass, m 1 and m 2 : F grav = G × ( m 1 m 2 ) /r 2 . In this equation, F grav is gravitational force, and r 2 is the square of the distance between the two objects.

As for G, in Newton's time the value of this number was unknown. Newton was aware simply that it represented a very small quantity: without it, ( m 1 m 2 )/ r 2 could be quite sizable for objects of relatively great mass separated by a relatively small distance. When multiplied by this very small number, however, the gravitational attraction would be revealed to be very small as well. Only in 1798, more than a century after Newton's writing, did the English physicist Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) calculate the value of G using a precision instrument called a torsion balance.

The value of G is expressed in units of force multiplied by distance squared, and then divided by, mass squared; in other words, G is a certain value of (N × m 2 )/kg 2 , where N stands for newtons, m for meters, and kg for kilograms. Nor is the numerical value of G a whole number such as 1. A figure as large as 1, in fact, is astronomically huge compared with G, whose value is 6.67 × 10 −11 —in other words, 0.0000000000667.

Physical Geodesy

Within the realm of geodesy is that of physical geodesy, which is concerned specifically with the measurement of Earth's gravitational field as well as the geoid. The latter may be defined as a surface of uniform gravitational potential covering the entire Earth at a height equal to sea level. ("Potential" here is analogous to height or, more specifically, position in a field. For a discussion of potential in a gravitational field, see Energy and Earth.)

Thus, in areas that are above sea level, the geoid would be below ground—indeed, far below it in mountainous regions. Yet in some places (most notably the Dead Sea and its shores, the lowest point on Earth), it would be above the solid earth and waters. The geoid is also subject to deviations or anomalies, owing to the fact that the planet's mass is not distributed uniformly; in addition, small temporary disturbances in the geoid may occur on the seas as a result of wind, tides, and currents.

Generally speaking, however, the geoid is a stable reference platform from which to measure gravitational anomalies. It is a sort of imaginary gravitational "skin" covering the planet, and in the past, countries conducting geodetic surveys tended to choose a spot within their boundaries as the reference point for all measurements. With the development of satellites and their use for geodetic research, however, it has become more common for national geodetic societies to use global points of reference such as the planet's center of mass.


The geoid can be determined by using such a satellite, equipped with a radar altimeter, but there is also the much older technique of terrestrial gravity measurement. The terrestrial method is much more difficult and prone to error, however, and calculations require detailed checking and correction to remove potential anomalies due to the presence of matter in areas above the points at which gravitational measurements were obtained.

Also highly subject to error are measurements made from a vessel at sea. This has to do not only with the effect of the ship's pitch and roll but also with something called the Eötvös effect. Named for the Hungarian physicist Baron Roland Eötvös (1848-1919), who conducted extensive studies on gravity, the effect is related to the Coriolis force, which causes the deflection of atmospheric and oceanic currents in response to Earth's rotation. Measurements of gravity from the air are also subject to the Eötvös effect, though the use of GPS (global positioning system) information, obtained from satellites, can improve greatly the accuracy of seaborne measurements.


Scientists can obtain absolute terrestrial gravity measurements by measuring the amount of time it takes for a pellet to fall a certain distance within a vacuum—that is, a chamber from which all matter, including air, has been removed. This, of course, is the same technology Galileo used in making his observations more than 400 years ago. It is also possible to obtain relative gravity measurements with the use of mechanical balance instruments.

As noted earlier, the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s 2 , or 9.8 m s −2 . (Scientists sometimes use the latter notation, in which the minus sign is not meant to indicate a negative but rather is used in place of "per".) This number is the measure of Earth's gravitational field. In measuring gravitational anomalies, scientists may use the Gal, named after Galileo, which is equal to 0.01 m/s 2 . Typically, however, the milligal, equal to one-thousandth of a Gal, is used. Note that "Gal" sometimes is rendered in lowercase, but this can be confusing, because it looks like the abbreviation for "gallon. ")


Why is it important to measure gravity and gravitational anomalies? One answer is that weight values can vary considerably, depending on one's position relative to Earth's gravitational field. A fairly heavy person might weigh as much as a pound less at the equator than at the poles and less still at the top of a high mountain. The value of the gravity field at sea level has a range from 9.78 to 9.83 m/s 2 , a difference of about 50,000 g.u., and it is likely to be much lower than 9.78 m/s 2 at higher altitudes.

Indeed, the higher one goes, the weaker Earth's gravitational field becomes. At the same time, the gases of the atmosphere dissipate, which is the reason why it is hard to breathe on high mountains without an artificial air supply and impossible to do so in the stratosphere or above it. At the upper edge of the mesosphere, Earth's gravitational field is no longer strong enough to hold large quantities of hydrogen, lightest of all elements, which constitutes the atmosphere at that point. Beyond the mesosphere, the atmosphere simply fades away, because there is not sufficient gravitational force to hold its particles in place.

Back down on Earth, gravity measurements are of great importance to the petroleum industry, which uses them to locate oil-containing salt domes. Furthermore, geologists, in general, remain acutely interested in measurements of gravity, the force behind tectonics, or the deformation of Earth's crust. Thus, gravity, responsible for fashioning Earth's exterior into the nearly spherical shape it has, is key to the shaping of its interior as well.

User Contributions:

Bir Bahadar Malhotra
Being an engineer & a man of science ,I think newton's law of gravitation was accepted as a hobsons choice because no other scientist or philosopher could explain stability of the cosmos and the formula F = G m 1 xm2 / dxd would explain how things remain where they are without colliding or moving an inch from their course or path . My theory is in fact based on dialogue of Krishna with Arjuna at the time the great war of Mahabharat was going to start .Krishna tells him that whole the cosmos is pervaded by his unmanifest form and whatever he is seeing from lowest nether regions to highest point of universe , is his massive body encompassing the whole space and every thing animate or inanimate exists because of his will and power . Supposing we accept Krishna's statement in toto the stability of cosmos gets resolved because when just one human like body having all sense organs like a human being is sustaining and holding every thing , it is not difficult to believe that this man is so virile and powerful that ha can hold every thing .To take the discussion further his hand and palm is so huge and massive that entire set of planets together with sun are floating on his palm and so are other galaxies . Again it is because one huge body that is holding every thing that our voice reaches millions of miles in a jiffy .Thus this is a physical body or universal ( manifest ) form of god which has a soul like we humans and this massive man is running the universe in a most scientific and organized way without a single error ever occurring .More on this subject shall follow .

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