Diffraction - Real-life applications

Diffraction Real Life Applications 3138
Photo by: V. Yakobchuk

Diffraction Studies Come of Age

Eventually the work of Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894), and others confirmed that light did indeed travel in waves. Later, however, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) showed that light behaves both as a wave and, in certain circumstances, as a particle.

In 1912, a few years after Einstein published his findings, German physicist Max Theodor Felix von Laue (1879-1960) created a diffraction grating, discussed below. Using crystals in his grating, he proved that x rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Laue's work, which earned him the Nobel Prize in physics in 1914, also made it possible to measure the length of x rays, and, ultimately, provided a means for studying the atomic structure of crystals and polymers.


Studies in diffraction advanced during the early twentieth century. In 1926, English physicist J. D. Bernal (1901-1971) developed the Bernal chart, enabling scientists to deduce the crystal structure of a solid by analyzing photographs of x-ray diffraction patterns. A decade later, Dutch-American physical chemist Peter Joseph William Debye (1884-1966) won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his studies in the diffraction of x rays and electrons in gases, which advanced understanding of molecular structure. In 1937, a year after Debye's Nobel, two other scientists—American physicist Clinton Joseph Davisson (1881-1958) and English physicist George Paget Thomson (1892-1975)—won the Prize in Physics for their discovery that crystals can bring about the diffraction of electrons.

Also, in 1937, English physicist William Thomas Astbury (1898-1961) used x-ray diffraction to discover the first information concerning nucleic acid, which led to advances in the study of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the building-blocks of human genetics. In 1952, English biophysicist Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins (1916-) and molecular biologist Rosalind Elsie Franklin (1920-1958) used x-ray diffraction to photograph DNA. Their work directly influenced a breakthrough event that followed a year later: the discovery of the double-helix or double-spiral model of DNA by American molecular biologists James D. Watson (1928-) and Francis Crick (1916-). Today, studies in DNA are at the frontiers of research in biology and related fields.

Diffraction Grating

Much of the work described in the preceding paragraphs made use of a diffraction grating, first developed in the 1870s by American physicist Henry Augustus Rowland (1848-1901). A diffraction grating is an optical device that consists of not one but many thousands of apertures: Rowland's machine used a fine diamond point to rule glass gratings, with about 15,000 lines per in (2.2 cm). Diffraction gratings today can have as many as 100,000 apertures per inch. The apertures in a diffraction grating are not mere holes, but extremely narrow parallel slits that transform a beam of light into a spectrum.

Each of these openings diffracts the light beam, but because they are evenly spaced and the same in width, the diffracted waves experience constructive interference. (The latter phenomenon, which describes a situation in which two or more waves combine to produce a wave of greater magnitude than either, is discussed in the essay on Interference.) This constructive interference pattern makes it possible to view components of the spectrum separately, thus enabling a scientist to observe characteristics ranging from the structure of atoms and molecules to the chemical composition of stars.


Because they are much higher in frequency and energy levels, x rays are even shorter in wavelength than visible light waves. Hence, for x-ray diffraction, it is necessary to have gratings in which lines are separated by infinitesimal distances. These distances are typically measured in units called an angstrom, of which there are 10 million to a millimeter. Angstroms are used in measuring atoms, and, indeed, the spaces between lines in an x-ray diffraction grating are comparable to the size of atoms.

When x rays irradiate a crystal—in other words, when the crystal absorbs radiation in the form of x rays—atoms in the crystal diffract the rays. One of the characteristics of a crystal is that its atoms are equally spaced, and, because of this, it is possible to discover the location and distance between atoms by studying x-ray diffraction patterns. Bragg's law—named after the father-andson team of English physicists William Henry Bragg (1862-1942) and William Lawrence Bragg (1890-1971)—describes x-ray diffraction patterns in crystals.

Though much about x-ray diffraction and crystallography seems rather abstract, its application in areas such as DNA research indicates that it has numerous applications for improving human life. The elder Bragg expressed this fact in 1915, the year he and his son received the Nobel Prize in physics, saying that "We are now able to look ten thousand times deeper into the structure of the matter that makes up our universe than when we had to depend on the microscope alone." Today, physicists applying x-ray diffraction use an instrument called a diffractometer, which helps them compare diffraction patterns with those of known crystals, as a means of determining the structure of new materials.


A hologram—a word derived from the Greek holos, "whole," and gram, "message"—is a three-dimensional (3-D) impression of an object, and the method of producing these images is known as holography. Holograms make use of laser beams that mix at an angle, producing an interference pattern of alternating bright and dark lines. The surface of the hologram itself is a sort of diffraction grating, with alternating strips of clear and opaque material. By mixing a laser beam and the unfocused diffraction pattern of an object, an image can be recorded. An illuminating laser beam is diffracted at specific angles, in accordance with Bragg's law, on the surfaces of the hologram, making it possible for an observer to see a three-dimensional image.

Holograms are not to be confused with ordinary three-dimensional images that use only visible light. The latter are produced by a method known as stereoscopy, which creates a single image from two, superimposing the images to create the impression of a picture with depth. Though stereoscopic images make it seem as though one can "step into" the picture, a hologram actually enables the viewer to glimpse the image from any angle. Thus, stereoscopic images can be compared to looking through the plate-glass window of a store display, whereas holograms convey the sensation that one has actually stepped into the store window itself.


While attempting to improve the resolution of electron microscopes in 1947, Hungarian-English physicist and engineer Dennis Gabor (1900-1979) developed the concept of holography and coined the term "hologram." His work in this area could not progress by a great measure, however, until the creation of the laser in 1960. By the early 1960s, scientists were using lasers to create 3-D images, and in 1971, Gabor received the Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery he had made a generation before.

Today, holograms are used on credit cards or other identification cards as a security measure, providing an image that can be read by an optical scanner. Supermarket checkout scanners use holographic optical elements (HOEs), which can read a universal product code (UPC) from any angle. Use of holograms in daily life and scientific research is likely to increase as scientists find new applications: for instance, holographic images will aid the design of everything from bridges to automobiles.


One of the most fascinating areas of research in the field of holography is holographic memory. Computers use a binary code, a pattern of ones and zeroes that is translated into an electronic pulse, but holographic memory would greatly extend the capabilities of computer memory systems. Unlike most images, a hologram is not simply the sum of its constituent parts: the data in a holo-graphic image is contained in every part of the image, meaning that part of the image can be destroyed without a loss of data.

To bring the story full-circle, holographic memory calls to mind an idea advanced by a scientist who, along with Huygens, was one of Newton's great professional rivals, German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). Though Newton is usually credited as the father of calculus, Leibniz developed his own version of calculus at around the same time.

As a philosopher, Leibniz had apparently had a number of strange ideas, which made him the butt of jokes among some sectors of European intellectual society: hence, the French writer and thinker Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet; 1694-1778) satirized him with the character Dr. Pangloss in Candide (1759). Few of Leibniz's ideas were more bizarre than that of the monad: an elementary particle of existence that reflected the whole of the universe.

In advancing the concept of a monad, Leibniz was not making a statement after the manner of a scientist: there was no proof that monads existed, nor was it possible to prove this in any scientific way. Yet, a hologram appears to be very much like a manifestation of Leibniz's imagined monads, and both the hologram and the monad relate to a more fundamental aspect of life: human memory. Neurological research in the late twentieth century suggested that the structure of memory in the human mind is holo-graphic. Thus, for instance, a patient suffering an injury affecting 90% of the brain experiences only a 10% memory loss.


Barrett, Norman S. Lasers and Holograms. New York: F. Watts, 1985.

"Bragg's Law and Diffraction: How Waves Reveal the Atomic Structure of Crystals" (Web site). <http://www.journey.sunysb.edu/ProjectJava/Bragg/home.html> (May 6, 2001).

Burkig, Valerie. Photonics: The New Science of Light. Hillside, N.J.: Enslow Publishers, 1986.

"Diffraction of Sound" (Web site). <http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/sound/diffrac.html> (May 6, 2001).

Gardner, Robert. Experimenting with Light. New York: F. Watts, 1991.

Graham, Ian. Lasers and Holograms. New York: Shooting Star Press, 1993.

Holoworld: Holography, Lasers, and Holograms (Web site). <http://www.holoworld.com> (May 6, 2001).

Proffen, T. H. and R. B. Neder. Interactive Tutorial About Diffraction (Web site). <http://www.uniwuerzburg.de/mineralogie/crystal/teaching/teaching.html> (May 6, 2001).

Snedden, Robert. Light and Sound. Des Plaines, IL: Heinemann Library, 1999.

"Wave-Like Behaviors of Light." The Physics Classroom (Web site). <http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/light/u12l1a.html> (May 6, 2001).

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