Structure of Matter - How it works

Matter and Energy

Matter can be defined as physical substance that has mass; occupies space; is composed of atoms; and is ultimately convertible to energy. A significant conversion of matter to energy, however, occurs only at speeds approaching that of the speed of light, a fact encompassed in the famous statement formulated by Albert Einstein (1879-1955), E = mc 2 .

Einstein's formula means that every item possesses a quantity of energy equal to its mass multiplied by the squared speed of light. Given the fact that light travels at 186,000 mi (297,600 km) per second, the quantities of energy available from even a tiny object traveling at that speed are massive indeed. This is the basis for both nuclear power and nuclear weaponry, each of which uses some of the smallest particles in the known universe to produce results that are both amazing and terrifying.

The forms of matter that most people experience in their everyday lives, of course, are traveling at speeds well below that of the speed of light. Even so, transfers between matter and energy take place, though on a much, much smaller scale. For instance, when a fire burns, only a tiny fraction of its mass is converted to energy. The rest is converted into forms of mass different from that of the wood used to make the fire. Much of it remains in place as ash, of course, but an enormous volume is released into the atmosphere as a gas so filled with energy that it generates not only heat but light. The actual mass converted into energy, however, is infinitesimal.


The property of energy is, at all times and at all places in the physical universe, conserved. In physics, "to conserve" something means "to result in no net loss of" that particular component—in this case, energy. Energy is never destroyed: it simply changes form. Hence, the conservation of energy, a law of physics stating that within a system isolated from all other outside factors, the total amount of energy remains the same, though transformations of energy from one form to another take place.

Whereas energy is perfectly conserved, matter is only approximately conserved, as shown with the example of the fire. Most of the matter from the wood did indeed turn into more matter—that

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. Reproduced by permission.)
is, vapor and ash. Yet, as also noted, a tiny quantity of matter—too small to be perceived by the senses—turned into energy.

The conservation of mass holds that total mass is constant, and is unaffected by factors such as position, velocity, or temperature, in any system that does not exchange any matter with its environment. This, however, is a qualified statement: at speeds well below c (the speed of light), it is essentially true, but for matter approaching c and thus, turning into energy, it is not.

Consider an item of matter moving at the speed of 100 mi (160 km)/sec. This is equal to 360,000 MPH (576,000 km/h) and in terms of the speeds to which humans are accustomed, it seems incredibly fast. After all, the fastest any human beings have ever traveled was about 25,000 MPH (40,000 km/h), in the case of the astronauts aboard Apollo 11 in May 1969, and the speed under discussion is more than 14 times greater. Yet 100 mi/sec is a snail's pace compared to c : in fact, the proportional difference between an actual snail's pace and the speed of a human walking is not as great. Yet even at this leisurely gait, equal to 0.00054 c, a portion of mass equal to 0.0001% (one-millionth of the total mass) converts to energy.

Matter at the Atomic Level

In his brilliant work Six Easy Pieces, American physicist Richard Feynman (1918-1988) asked his readers, "If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generations of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words? I believe it is the atomic hypothesis (or the atomic fact, or whatever you wish to call it) that all things are made of atoms—little articles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another. In that sentence, you will see, there is an enormous amount of information about the world, if just a little imagination and thinking are applied."

Feynman went on to offer a powerful series of illustrations concerning the size of atoms relative to more familiar objects: if an apple were magnified to the size of Earth, for instance, the atoms in it would each be about the size of a regular apple. Clearly atoms and other atomic particles are far too small to be glimpsed by even the most highly powered optical microscope. Yet, it is the behavior of particles at the atomic level that defines the shape of the entire physical world. Viewed from this perspective, it becomes easy to understand how and why matter is convertible to energy. Likewise, the interaction between atoms and other particles explains why some types of matter are solid, others liquid, and still others, gas.


An atom is the smallest particle of a chemical element. It is not, however, the smallest particle in the universe; atoms are composed of subatomic particles, including protons, neutrons, and electrons. But at the subatomic level, it is meaningless to refer to, for instance, "an oxygen electron": electrons are just electrons. An atom, then, is the fundamental unit of matter. Most of the substances people encounter in the world, however, are not pure elements, such as oxygen or iron; they are chemical compounds, in which atoms of more than one element join together to form molecules.

One of the most well-known molecular forms in the world is water, or H 2 O, composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The arrangement is extremely precise and never varies: scientists know, for instance, that the two hydrogen atoms join the oxygen atom (which is much larger than the hydrogen atoms) at an angle of 105° 3′. Other molecules are much more complex than those of water—some of them much, much more complex, which is reflected in the sometimes unwieldy names required to identify their chemical components.


The idea of atoms is not new. More than 24 centuries ago, the Greek philosopher Democritus (c. 470-380 B.C. ) proposed that matter is composed of tiny particles he called atomos, or "indivisible." Democritus was not, however, describing matter in a concrete, scientific way: his "atoms" were idealized, philosophical constructs, not purely physical units.

Yet, he came amazingly close to identifying the fundamental structure of physical reality—much closer than any number of erroneous theories (such as the "four elements" of earth, air, fire, and water) that prevailed until modern times. English chemist John Dalton (1766-1844) was the first to identify what Feynman later called the "atomic hypothesis": that nature is composed of tiny particles. In putting forward his idea, Dalton adopted Democritus's word "atom" to describe these basic units.

Dalton recognized that the structure of atoms in a particular element or compound is uniform. He maintained that compounds are made up of compound atoms: in other words, that water, for instance, is a compound of "water atoms." Water, however, is not an element, and thus, it was necessary to think of its atomic composition in a different way—in terms of molecules rather than atoms. Dalton's contemporary Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856), an Italian physicist, was the first scientist to clarify the distinction between atoms and molecules.


Obviously, it is impractical to weigh a single molecule, or even several thousand; what was needed, then, was a number large enough to make possible practical comparisons of mass. Hence, the mole, a quantity equal to "Avogadro's number." The latter, named after Avogadro though not derived by him, is equal to 6.022137 × 10 23 (more than 600 billion trillion) molecules.

The term "mole" can be used in the same way that the word "dozen" is used. Just as "a dozen" can refer to twelve cakes or twelve chickens, so "mole" always describes the same number of molecules. A mole of any given substance has its own particular mass, expressed in grams. The mass of one mole of iron, for instance, will always be greater than that of one mole of oxygen. The ratio between them is exactly the same as the ratio of the mass of one iron atom to one oxygen atom. Thus, the mole makes it possible to compare the mass of one element or compound to that of another.


Contemporary to both Dalton and Avogadro was Scottish naturalist Robert Brown (1773-1858), who in 1827 stumbled upon a curious phenomenon. While studying pollen grains under a microscope, Brown noticed that the grains underwent a curious zigzagging motion in the water. At first, he assumed that the motion had a biological explanation—that is, it resulted from life processes within the pollen—but later he discovered that even pollen from long-dead plants behaved in the same way.

Brown never understood what he was witnessing. Nor did a number of other scientists, who began noticing other examples of what came to be known as Brownian motion: the constant but irregular zigzagging of particles in a puff of smoke, for instance. Later, however, Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) and others were able to explain it by what came to be known as the kinetic theory of matter.

The kinetic theory, which is discussed in depth elsewhere in this book, is based on the idea that molecules are constantly in motion: hence, the water molecules were moving the pollen grains Brown observed. Pollen grains are many thousands of times as large as water molecules, but there are so many molecules in just one drop of water, and their motion is so constant but apparently random, that they are bound to move a pollen grain once every few thousand collisions.


Einstein, who was born the year Maxwell died, published a series of papers in which he analyzed the behavior of particles subjected to Brownian motion. His work, and the confirmation of his results by French physicist Jean Baptiste Perrin (1870-1942), finally put an end to any remaining doubts concerning the molecular structure of matter.

It may seem amazing that the molecular and atomic ideas were still open to question in the early twentieth century; however, the vast majority of what is known today concerning the atom emerged after World War I. At the end of the nineteenth century, scientists believed the atom to be indivisible, but growing evidence concerning electrical charges in atoms brought with it the awareness that there must be something smaller creating those charges.

Eventually, physicists identified protons and electrons, but the neutron, with no electrical charge, was harder to discover: it was not identified until 1932. After that point, scientists were convinced that just three types of subatomic particles existed. However, subsequent activity among physicists—particularly those in the field of quantum mechanics—led to the discovery of other elementary particles, such as the photon. However, in this discussion, the only subatomic particles whose behavior is reviewed are the proton, electron, and neutron.

Motion and Attraction in Atoms and Molecules

At the molecular level, every item of matter in the world is in motion. This may be easy enough to imagine with regard to air or water, since both tend to flow. But what about a piece of paper, or a glass, or a rock? In fact, all molecules are in constant motion, and depending on the particular phase of matter, this motion may vary from a mere vibration to a high rate of speed.

Molecular motion generates kinetic energy, or the energy of movement, which is manifested as heat or thermal energy. Indeed, heat is really nothing more than molecules in motion relative to one another: the faster they move, the greater the kinetic energy, and the greater the heat.

The movement of atoms and molecules is always in a straight line and at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by some outside force. In fact, the motion of atoms and molecules is constantly being interfered with by outside forces, because they are perpetually striking one another. These collisions cause changes in direction, and may lead to transfers of energy from one particle to another.


The behavior of molecules cannot be explained in terms of gravitational force. This force, and the motions associated with it, were identified by Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), and Newton's model of the universe seemed to answer most physical questions. Then in the late nineteenth century, Maxwell discovered a second kind of force, electromagnetism. (There are two other known varieties of force, strong and weak nuclear, which are exhibited at the subatomic level.) Electromagnetic force, rather than gravitation, explains the attraction between atoms.

Several times up to this point, the subatomic particles have been mentioned but not explained in terms of their electrical charge, which is principal among their defining characteristics. Protons have a positive electrical charge, while neutrons exert no charge. These two types of particles, which make up the vast majority of the atom's mass, are clustered at the center, or nucleus. Orbiting around this nucleus are electrons, much smaller particles which exert a negative charge.

Chemical elements are identified by the number of protons they possess. Hydrogen, first element listed on the periodic table of elements, has one proton and is thus identified as 1; carbon, or element 6, has six protons, and so on.

An atom usually has a neutral charge, meaning that it is composed of an equal number of protons or electrons. In certain situations, however, it may lose one or more electrons and thus acquire a net charge. Such an atom is called an ion. But electrical charge, like energy, is conserved, and the electrons are not "lost" when an atom becomes an ion: they simply go elsewhere.


Positive and negative charges interact at the molecular level in a way that can be compared to the behavior of poles in a pair of magnets. Just as two north poles or two south poles repel one another, so like charges—two positives, or two negatives—repel. Conversely, positive and negative charges exert an attractive force on one another similar to that of a north pole and south pole in contact.

In discussing phases of matter, the attraction between molecules provides a key to distinguishing between states of matter. This is not to say one particular phase of matter is a particularly good conductor of electrical current, however. For instance, certain solids—particularly metals such as copper—are extremely good conductors. But wood is a solid, too, and conducts electrical current poorly.

The properties of various forms of matter, viewed from the larger electromagnetic picture, are a subject far beyond the scope of this essay. In any case, the electromagnetic properties of concern in the present instance are not the ones demonstrated at a macroscopic level—that is, in view of "the big picture." Rather, the subject of the attractive force operating at the atomic or molecular levels has been introduced to show that certain types of material have a greater intermolecular attraction.

As previously stated, all matter is in motion. The relative speed of that motion, however, is a function of the attraction between molecules, which in turn defines a material according to one of the phases of matter. When the molecules in a material exert a strong attraction toward one another, they move slowly, and the material is called a solid. Molecules of liquid, by contrast, exert a moderate attraction and move at moderate speeds. A material substance whose molecules exert little or no attraction, and therefore, move at high speeds, is known as a gas.

These comparisons of molecular speed and attraction, obviously, are relative. Certainly, it is easy enough in most cases to distinguish between one phase of matter and another, but there are some instances in which they overlap. Examples of these will follow, but first it is necessary to discuss the phases of matter in the context of their behavior in everyday situations.

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