For Further Reading


Fran Balkwill, DNA Is Here to Stay. Minneapolis, MN: First Avenue Editions, 2003. This informatively illustrated account of the "molecule of life" brings the basics of genetics to life. The complexities of the subject are made simple by using pictures to amplify the carefully written text.

Norbert Landa and Patrick A. Baeuerie, Ingenious Genes: Learning About the Fantastic Skills of Genetic Engineers and Watching Them at Work. Hauppauge, NY: Barrons Juveniles, 1998. Landa and Baeuerie provide an ingenious look at how genetic scientists copy and change genes in the search for medical breakthroughs and other advances.

Cynthia Pratt Nicholson and Rose Cowles, Baa! The Most Interesting Book You'll Ever Read About Genes and Cloning. Tonawanda, NY: Kids Can Press, 2001. This brief survey covers a lot of material in relatively few words. It provides a lively account of genetics from Gregor Mendel to cloning, including a discussion of the ethical issues involved.


Human Genome Project Primers This website is a gateway to the science underlying the Human Genome Project. It includes many links to stimulating discussions of the major issues involved.

Introduction to Genetics ( ). A well-illustrated and interactive discussion of the main points of genetics from a historical perspective.

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