Actinides - Real-life applications

The First Three Naturally Occurring Actinides

In the discussion of the actinides that follows, atomic number and chemical symbol will follow the first mention of an element. Atomic mass figures are available on any periodic table, and these will not be mentioned in most cases. The atomic mass figures for actinide elements are very high, as fits their high atomic number, but for most of these, figures are usually for the most stable isotope, which may exist for only a matter of seconds.

Though it gives its name to the group as a whole, actinium (Ac, 89) is not a particularly significant element. Discovered in 1902 by German chemist Friedrich Otto Giesel (1852-1927), it is found in uranium ores. Actinium is 150 times more radioactive than radium, a highly radioactive alkaline earth metal isolated around the same time by French-Polish physicist and chemist Marie Curie (1867-1934) and her husband Pierre (1859-1906).


More significant than actinium is thorium (Th, 90), first detected in 1815 by the renowned Swedish chemist Jons Berzelius (1779-1848). Berzelius promptly named the element after the Norse god Thor, but eventually concluded that what he had believed to be a new element was actually the compound yttrium phosphate. In 1829, however, he examined another mineral and indeed found the element he believed he had discovered 14 years earlier.

It 1898, Marie Curie and an English chemist named Gerhard Schmidt, working independently, announced that thorium was radioactive. Today it is believed that the enormous amounts of energy released by the radioactive decay of subterranean thorium and uranium plays a significant part in Earth's high internal temperature. The energy stored in the planet's thorium reserves may well be greater than all the energy available from conventional fossil and nuclear fuels combined.

Thorium appears on Earth in an abundance of 15 parts per million (ppm), many times greater than the abundance of uranium. With its high energy levels, thorium has enormous potential as a nuclear fuel. When struck by neutrons, thorium-232 converts to uranium-233, one of the few known fissionable isotopes—that is, isotopes that can be split to start nuclear reactions.

It is perhaps ironic that this element, with its potential for use in some of the most high-tech applications imaginable, is widely applied in a very low-tech fashion. In portable gas lanterns for camping and other situations without electric power, the mantle often contains oxides of thorium and cerium, which, when heated, emit a brilliant white light. Thorium is also used in the manufacture of high-quality glass, and as a catalyst in various industrial processes.


Russian chemist Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeleev (1834-1907), father of the periodic table, used the table's arrangement of elements as a means of predicting the discovery of new substances: wherever he found a "hole" in the table, Mendeleev could say with assurance that a new element would eventually be found to fill it. In 1871, Mendeleev predicted the discovery of "eka-tantalum," an element that filled the space below the transition metal tantalum. (At this point in history, just two years after Mendeleev created the periodic table, the lanthanides and actinides had not been separated from the rest of the elements on the chart.)

Forty years after Mendeleev foretold its existence, two German chemists found what they thought might be Element 91. It had a half-life of only 1.175 minutes, and, for this reason, they named it "brevium." Then in 1918, Austrian physicist Lise Meitner (1878-1968)—who, along with Curie and French physicist Marguerite Perey (1909-1975) was one of several women involved in the discovery of radioactive elements—was working with German chemist Otto Hahn (1879-1968) when the two discovered another isotope of Element 91. This one had a much, much longer half-life: 3.25 · 10 4 years, or about five times as long as the entire span of human civilization.

Originally named protoactinium, the name of Element 91 was changed to protactinium (Pa), whose longest-lived isotope has an atomic mass of 231. Shiny and malleable, protactinium has a melting point of 2,861.6°F (1,572°C). It is highly toxic, and so rare that no commercial uses have been found for it. Indeed, protactinium could only be produced from the decay products of uranium and radium, and thus it is one of the few elements with an atomic number less than 93 that cannot be said to occur in nature.



Chemistry books, in fact, differ as to the number of naturally occurring elements. Some say 88, which is the most correct figure, because protactinium, along with technetium (43) and two others, cannot be said to appear naturally on Earth. Other books say 92, a less accurate figure that nonetheless reflects an indisputable fact: above uranium (U, 92) on the periodic table, there are no elements that generally occur in nature. (However, a few do occur as radioactive by-products of uranium.)

But uranium is much more than just the last truly natural element, though for about a century it apparently had no greater importance. When German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth (1743-1817) discovered it in 1789, he named it after another recent discovery: the planet Uranus. During the next 107 years, uranium had a very quiet existence, befitting a rather dull-looking material.

Though it is silvery white when freshly cut, uranium soon develops a thin coating of black uranium oxide, which turns it a flat gray. Yet glassmakers did at least manage to find a use for it—as a coating for decorative glass, to which it imparted a hazy, fluorescent yellowish green hue. Little did they know that they were using one of the most potentially dangerous substances on Earth.


In 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen (1845-1923) noticed that photographic plates held near a Crookes tube—a device for analyzing electromagnetic radiation—became fogged. He dubbed the rays that had caused this x rays. A year later, in 1896, French physicist Henri Becquerel (1852-1908) left some photographic plates in a drawer with a sample of uranium, and discovered that the uranium likewise caused a fogging of the photographic plates. This meant that uranium was radioactive.

With the development of nuclear fission by Hahn and German chemist Fritz Strassman in 1938, uranium suddenly became all-important because of its ability to undergo nuclear fission, accompanied by the release of huge amounts of energy. During World War II, in what was known as the Manhattan Project, a team of scientists in Los Alamos, New Mexico, developed the atomic

(Martin Marietta; Roger Ressmeyer/Corbis
. Reproduced by permission.)
bomb. The first of the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 contained uranium, while the second contained the transuranium element plutonium.


Though nuclear weapons have fortunately not been used against human beings since 1945, uranium has remained an important component of nuclear energy—both in the development of bombs and in the peaceful application of nuclear power. It has other uses as well, due to the fact that it is extremely dense.

Indeed, uranium has a density close to that of gold and platinum, but is much cheaper, because it is more abundant on Earth. In addition, various isotopes of uranium are a by-product of nuclear power, which separates these isotopes from the highly fissionable 235 U isotope. Thus, quantities of uranium are available for use in situations where a great deal of mass is required in a small space: in counterweights for aircraft control systems, for instance, or as ballast for missile reentry vehicles.

Because 238 U has a very long half-life—4.47 · 10 9 years, or approximately the age of Earth—it is used to estimate the age of rocks and other geological features. Uranium-238 is the "parent" of a series of "daughter" isotopes that geologists find in uranium ores. Uranium-235 also produces "daughter" isotopes, including isotopes of radium, radon, and other radioactive series. Eventually, uranium isotopes turn into lead, but this can take a very long time: even 235 U, which lasts for a much shorter period than 238 U, has a half-life of about 700 million years.

The radiation associated with various isotopes of uranium, as well as other radioactive materials, is extremely harmful. It can cause all manner of diseases and birth defects, and is potentially fatal. The tiny amounts of radiation produced by uranium in old pieces of decorative glass is probably not enough to cause any real harm, but the radioactive fallout from Hiroshima resulted in birth defects among the Japanese population during the late 1940s.

Transuranium Elements

Transuranium elements are those elements with atomic numbers higher than that of uranium. None of these occur in nature, except as isotopes that develop in trace amounts in uranium ore. The first such element was neptunium (Np, 93), created in 1940 by American physicist Edwin Mattison McMillan (1907-1991) and American physical chemist Philip Hauge Abelson.

The development of the cyclotron by American physicist Ernest Lawrence (1901-1958) at the University of California at Berkeley in the 1930s made possible the artificial creation of new elements. A cyclotron speeds up protons or ions (charged atoms) and shoots them at atoms of uranium or other elements with the aim of adding positive charges to the nucleus. In the first two decades after the use of the cyclotron to create neptunium, scientists were able to develop eight more elements, all the way up to mendelevium (Md, 101), named in honor of the man who created the periodic table.

Most of these efforts occurred at Berkeley under the leadership of American nuclear chemist Glenn T. Seaborg (1912-1999) and American physicist Albert Ghiorso. The pace of development in transuranium elements slowed after about 1955, however, primarily due to the need for ever more powerful cyclotrons and ion-accelerating machines. In addition to Berkeley, there are two other centers for studying these high-energy elements: the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, and the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany.

The Transuranium Actinides


Just as neptunium had been named for the next planet beyond Uranus, a second transuranium element, discovered by Seaborg and two colleagues in 1940, was named after Pluto. Among the isotopes of plutonium (Pu, 94) is plutonium-239, one of the few fissionable isotopes other than uranium-233 and uranium-235. For that reason, it was applied in the second bomb dropped on Japan.

In addition to its application in nuclear weapons, plutonium is used in nuclear power reactors, and in thermoelectric generators, which convert the heat energy it releases into electricity. Plutonium is also used as a power source in artificial heart pacemakers. Huge amounts of the element are produced each year as a by-product of nuclear power reactors.


Because the lanthanide element above it on the periodic table was named europium after Europe, americium (Am, 95) was named after America. Discovered by Seaborg, Ghiorso, and two others in 1944, it was first produced in a nuclear reaction involving plutonium-239. Americium radiation is used in measuring the thickness of glass during production; in addition, the isotope americium-241 is used as an ionization source in smoke detectors, and in portable devices for taking gamma-ray photographs.

Above curium (Cm, 96) on the periodic table is the lanthanide gadolinium, named after Finnish chemist Johan Gadolin (1760-1852). Therefore, the discoverers of Element 96 alsodecided to name it after a person, Marie Curie. As with some of the other relatively low-number transuranium elements, this one is not entirelyartificial: its most stable isotope, some geologistsbelieve, may have been present in rocks manymillions of years ago, but these isotopes havelong since decayed. Because curium generatesgreat amounts of energy as it decays, it is used forproviding compact sources of power in remotelocations on Earth and in space vehicles.

When Seaborg, Ghiorso, and others created Element 97, berkelium (Bk), they again took the naming of lanthanides as their cue. Just as terbium, directly above it on the periodic table, had been named for the Swedish town of Ytterby, where so many lanthanides were discovered, they named the new element after the American city where so many transuranium elements had been developed. Berkelium has no known applications outside of research. The Berkeley team likewise named californium (Cf, 98) after the state where Berkeley is located. Researchers today are studying the use of californium radiation for treatment of tumors involved in various forms of cancer.


The remaining transuranium actinides were all named after famous people: einsteinium (Es, 99) for Albert Einstein (1879-1955); fermium (Fm, 100) after Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi (1901-1954); mendelevium after Mendeleev; nobelium (No, 102) after Swedish inventor and philanthropist Alfred Nobel (1833-1896); and lawrencium (Lr, 103) after Ernest Lawrence.

Both einsteinium and fermium were byproducts of nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll in the south Pacific in 1952. For this reason, their existence was kept a secret for two years. Neither element has a known application. The same is true of mendelevium, produced by Seaborg, Ghiorso, and others with a cyclotron at Berkeley in 1955, as well as the other two transuranium actinides.

Beyond the Transuranium Actinides

As noted earlier, there are nine additional transuranium elements, which properly belong to the transition metals. The first of these is rutherfordium, discovered in 1964 by the Dubna team and named after Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), the British physicist who discovered the nucleus. The Dubna team named dubnium, discovered in 1967, after their city, just as berkelium had been named after the Berkeley team's city. Both groups developed versions of Element 106 in 1974, and both agreed to name it seaborgium after Seaborg, but this resulted in a controversy that was not settled for some time.

The name of bohrium, created at Dubna in 1976, honors Danish physicist Niels Bohr (1885-1962), who developed much of the model of electron energy levels discussed earlier in this essay. Hassium, produced at the GSI in 1984, is named for the German state of Hess. Two years earlier, the GSI team also created the last named element on the periodic table, meitnerium (109), named after Meitner. Beyond meitnerium are three elements, as yet unnamed, created at the GSI in the mid-1990s.


Cooper, Dan. Enrico Fermi and the Revolutions in Modern Physics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

"Exploring the Table of Isotopes" (Web site). <> (May 15, 2001).

Kidd, J. S. and Renee A. Kidd. Quarks and Sparks: The Story of Nuclear Power. New York: Facts on File, 1999.

Knapp, Brian J. Elements. Illustrated by David Woodroffe and David Hardy. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational, 1996.

"A Periodic Table of the Elements" Los Alamos National Laboratory (Web site). < (May 22, 2001).

"The Pictorial Periodic Table" (Web site). <> (May 22, 2001).

Sherrow, Victoria. The Making of the Atom Bomb. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books, 2000.

"Some Physics of Uranium." The Uranium Institute (Web site). < dex1.htm> (May 27, 2001).

Stwertka, Albert. A Guide to the Elements. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Uranium Information Center (Web site). <> (May 27, 2001).

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