Oxidation Reduction Reactions 3127
Photo by: w14a

Most people have heard the term "oxidation" at some point or another, and, from the sound of the word, may have developed the impression that it has something to do with oxygen. Indeed it does, because oxygen has a tendency to draw electrons to itself. This tendency, rather than the presence of oxygen itself, is actually what identifies oxidation, defined as a process in which a substance loses electrons. The oxidation of one substance is always accompanied by reduction, or the gaining of electrons, on the part of another substance—hence the term "oxidation-reduction reaction," sometimes called a redox reaction. The world is full of examples of this highly significant form of chemical reaction. One such example is combustion, or an even more rapid form of combustion, explosion. Likewise the metabolism of food, as well as other biological processes, involves oxidation and reduction reactions. So, too, do a number of processes that take place on the surfaces of metals: when iron rusts; when copper turns green; or when aluminum forms a coating of aluminum oxide that prevents it from rusting. Oxidation-reduction reactions also play a major role in electrochemistry, which has a highly useful application to daily life in the form of batteries.

User Contributions:

An easier way of remembering which process loses electrons and which process gains is "OIL RIG". Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain.
Angel Face
I found this article very interesting! go yew! it is informative and well explained I found it most helpful :) x x
it is very useful and the most interesting part is the application of redox in real-life
Wow! That's all I can say. I'm really thankful for the information because it has now given me a greater understanding of redox reactions.

Thank you, Nicole
very nice. it helped even more than my chemistry book. =]
This is the power of internet....I think no one can ever give a better explanation of Redox Reactions than this.......

Hats off!! to the writer for making such a contribution.
Jaron R.
Last comment almost an year ago, but wow this article really helped me in chem class!
to 01 ml of sodium sulfite solution , 1 ml of dilute sulfuric acid is added and then add 5 drops of pottasium permangante solution is also added.
observation- purple solution goes colourless.

my question -In the above reaction ,as there are 3 solutions, how do we know which goes with which when reacting?
very informative..!! thanks a lot.. this helped me in doing my assignment!! good work!
I'm not too sure about this topic, but this was amazing. Thanks so so so so much for all this inspirational knowledge.
thanx a lot 4 this informative article...i'm more understand about this chapter
Excellent! I was looking for this type of easy explanation.
Thanks alot! you helped me big time on my homework!
Nada Mourad
This website is really amazing. Thanks alote :)
I really got more informations of it.

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